The Art of Preventing Burnout: Holistic Ways to Take Care of Yourself
America has a problem with hustle culture. This has led to widespread burnout due to overwork and high stress. When we push ourselves too hard for an extended period, it becomes overwhelming, and our physical and mental health suffers. However, there are holistic ways that can prevent burnout and support your system before it becomes a problem. In this post, we will discuss these strategies, how to fill your cup, prevent burnout, and how to support yourself when you are burnt out.

1. Embrace Self-Care
One of the most effective ways to ward off burnout is through proper self-care. This means taking time out for yourself and engaging in activities that recharge your batteries. That could be through yoga, meditation, reading a book, or spending time with family and friends. Self-care also means taking care of your physical health by exercising, getting regular check-ups with your health care provider, and getting enough sleep. Self-care looks different for everyone- for me, it’s a night in with a luxurious bubble bath, a good book, and a face mask followed by 9 hours of sleep. For others, it might just be a walk in the park without your phone. It’s really just about doing non-productive things that serve you (and only you) that make you feel recharged.
2. Assess Your Priorities
In our hustle and bustle lives, we tend to focus on what we need to do, and we forget to prioritize ourselves. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully about what matters most to you, and from there, you can create a timetable aligning with your goals. It’s not always possible to prioritize everything, so a prioritized to-do list can be helpful in getting the most important things done without getting overwhelmed.
3. Learn to Say “No“
Saying no can be challenging, especially for people pleasers. We often find ourselves taking on too much, and it eventually leads to burnout. When we are clear of our priorities, saying no becomes easier. It’s okay to decline a meeting, social event, or request if it doesn’t align with your current needs.
4. Connect with Nature
Connecting with nature can be a powerful remedy to combat burnout. Studies have shown that being in nature can help reduce stress, improve focus, and increase creativity (i.e., “forest bathing”). Additionally, exposure to natural light increases serotonin levels which is essential for regulating mood and energy levels. You can get out and enjoy nature in various ways like going for a walk, gardening, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the sunshine.
5. Care for Yourself Through Gratitude
One of the most powerful ways to prevent burnout is by cultivating a mindset of gratitude. When we focus on the good things in our lives, we feel happier, and it puts us in a better mental and emotional place. Practicing daily gratitude can also help shift our perspective when challenging situations arise.
6. Exercise (Effectively)
When you need to blow off some steam, exercise can be really helpful. However, really INTENSIVE exercises like HIIT, running, or other high-intensity workouts can sometimes make it worse. I recommend trying low-impact exercises like barre, pilates, long walks, and my personal favorite- yoga. Yoga is amazing for connecting the mind, body, and breath (things that we lose connection with when we are burnt out).
7. Limit caffeine
When you’re busy, stressed, and (most likely) not sleeping well either, you may be reaching for an extra cup of coffee or experiencing that 2:30 feeling. This may lead to consuming more caffeine than usual. However, I would caution against this! Caffeine can actually make your burnout symptoms worse. If you need to naturally energize yourself, try breath-work, or naturally energizing yourself with herbs and supplements like maca root or ginseng.
Preventing burnout is all about being intentional and making self-care a priority.
By embracing strategies such as self-care, assessing priorities, learning to say no, connecting with nature, and practicing gratitude, we can be proactive in preventing burnout. If we ever find ourselves feeling burnt out, these methods can help us recover and recharge.
Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish. In fact, it is necessary for us to create a fulfilling and healthy life for ourselves and those around us.