How to Transform Money Fear Into Real Estate Gold with Katie Neason

How to Transform Money Fear Into Real Estate Gold with Katie Neason
Katie Neason, former banker who turned real estate multi-millionaire, joins Crystal to discuss her leap from the corporate world to living a life she always dreamed, and making money while doing it!
Bid farewell to the fear of failure! Katie Neason shares her transformative journey from the high-pressure world of banking to creating a flourishing real estate empire, all while navigating the seasons of life.
What you’ll learn in this episode:

“Most people who never get where they want to go and don’t achieve the success that they wanted, is because they did not put themselves in enough positions to fail.” – Katie Neason
Raise your hand if you have a lot of things you want to do, if you want to create your own brand, your own business, your own wealth?
Raise your hand again if you are stuck or if the fear of failure is holding you back?
Yep, it’s a lot of us.
And this is just what Katie and I dove into on this episode. Katie is an amazing, brilliant, and insightful real estate developer who has amassed a portfolio worth more than $13M. Yep, you read that right, $13, followed by 6 zeros….13,000,000!
But it wasn’t an easy journey.
Before Katie jumped into real estate, she had loads of fear around money, just like many of us. There was the fear of money, the fear of failure, all of the ‘what ifs’, imposter syndrome, financial insecurity of leaving a stable job.
But, one day, her ‘safe’ but demanding job in corporate finance caused her to miss her son’s first steps. She was crushed and knew right then and there that she needed more freedom. Sound familiar?
So how did she do it? Lets take a look at that and a few other questions we discussed in the episode:
How to transition from a corporate job to real estate entrepreneurship
Katie explained that there are actually two paths to transitioning from your corporate job to real estate entrepreneurship:
- Through income creation: This means you are buying assets, creating sustainable income that you can actually live off of. An example of this would be buying single family homes and creating enough profit to build an actual income to replace your corporate salary (or whatever amount you need to be comfortable).
- Creating and growing an investment portfolio: This means you use your income to REINVEST into your business and grow your real estate portfolio. This does not yield an immediate income, but does grow your net worth.
What you have to consider is what you need. Many people actually work on growing their portfolio with cash flow from their job, then build enough to both live on and continue to reinvest.
The optimal strategy is to combine the two.
How to navigate the ever-changing landscape of interest rates in real estate investment
Real estate is a math game. If the math is mathing, that’s really all that matters. Sounds simple in principal, and it is, but it can still be pretty scary. Katie helps demystify what appears to be the complexity of the current interest rates in real estate. Interest rates are just one expense of the entire deal, so if the deal still makes sense and can be done profitably, it’s still a good deal.
This pragmatic perspective was certainly encouraging to me as a ‘baby’ real estate entrepreneur. She also said something I particularly took note of: that the only real estate asset someone is ever sad about buying, is one they have to let go of before they want to. What this means is you may be sad to have to sell off an asset because expenses were too high or you didn’t have enough cash flow to withstand a vacancy. That’s really where interest rates are most impactful- on the expense side; What is it costing you to hold the property and maintain the mortgage/loan?
How we can leverage proximity to the right people to build success
Katie gave an awesome analogy utilizing something we all know and understand: our health and weight. “So the main thing is, if you want to be thinner, skinnier and healthier, hang around thinner, skinnier, healthier people, because you won’t have to force yourself to change anything. You will want to assimilate to your environment. You’re not going to want to show up and be like, oh, I’m the unhealthy one again. If you want to invest in real estate, get around people who are investing in real estate.”
We need to immerse ourselves in environments conducive to growth and learning: curate the right network, the right mentors. When we are surrounded by success, we will want to adapt our habits, our behaviors, our mental attitudes and thought processes. This is the surest way to get where you want to go. I have talked about it on the podcast many times, finding the right people isn’t always easy, but there are many communities, groups, and free information in the form of podcasts out there. But, if you want to jump ahead, find a mentor or a coach, buy a course. What you don’t want to do is settle because your dreams, your goals, YOU are worth it.
I loved this episode. It was absolute fire. We talked about so much, including the impact of motherhood on career choices, the pivotal moments of embracing fear and failure, and powerful shifts in mindset that lead to personal and professional growth.
Listen to the rest of the episode for more. But most importantly, put a plan in action.
- What is it you need to get to where you want to go?
- Mentorship – start looking for a coach, a mentor, anyone who can get you where you want to go. Need help? Thats my specialty! Reach out and lets get you on the path to making your dreams come true!
- Business Plan – start writing one.
- Get over your fear of failure or imposter syndrome by taking action today.
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Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Connecting with Katie: check her out on her website and follow her @Katiedevelops
- Buy Rich Dad Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki HERE