From Chanel to ShopDYI – How to Build a Brand with Leslie Denby

How to go from Intern to Founder
Many women want to have their own little slice of entrepreneurship, building a brand, a business, a product. Leslie Denby has done just that. From interning with fashion powerhouse Chanel, to launching her own brand and apparel line, she is an incredibly inspiring female entrepreneur to learn from.
From navigating the challenges of the pandemic to embracing change and investing in yourself, Leslie Denby’s journey with Define Your Inspiration, or as its known on the street, DYI, is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief.
“What you need to get focused on is what hole are you trying to fill in the market?” – Leslie Denby
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- What is it like interning for the renowned luxury brand, Chanel
- How to start a business from the ground
- The value of a life coach and investing in yourself
- What is the power of the pivot
- Characteristics required for overcoming challenges
How many of us went to college for something completely and utterly unrelated to what we are doing in our career or life?
Latest trends show that only 45% of college graduates are working in their field of study. So yep, it’s a lot of us. I always find it fascinating when someone actually works in some capacity related to their degree.
Enter Leslie, the founder and CEO of ShopDYI, an athletic lifestyle brand centered around fusing fashion with performance. Leslie went to college for Fashion Merchandise and actually ended up in fashion, but not necessarily how she envisioned. After scoring an internship at the prestigious luxury brand we all know (and many aspire to own), Chanel, she packed her bags and moved up to New York City for the summer.

What is it actually like interning for Chanel?
Exciting, amazing, and chalk-full of so many fun opportunities. It’s not The Devil Wears Prada, although Leslie intimated that there was definitely some of that vibe mixed into the picture as well. Either way, she enjoyed it enough that upon graduation, she took a job back in the Big Apple, but realized a year in that the New York scene wasn’t the right environment for her. She ended up back here in Houston where ShopDYI was born.
How do you actually build a brand from the ground up?
It took a lot of guts, a lot of courage, and time to jump out there and build the brand. Leslie was not deeply familiar with sourcing, pattern design, or fit when she started ShopDYI. She had a good sense of the market, branding, and what women were looking for along with a keen aesthetic eye, but she had to learn everything else.
Leslie spent a lot of time asking questions, connecting with people that could help her, and leaning into her strengths.
What else does it take to build a startup and/or a brand from the ground floor?
(1) A solid foundation, rooted within your zones of genius – Leslie had a strong entrepreneurial background, a good eye for style and design, and was very creative.
The Takeaway – Start with what you know and/or what you are good at, then build around your weaknesses.
(2) Trial and Error – learn when things aren’t working and move quickly. Nothing can ruin a new business faster than continuing down the wrong path.
The Takeaway – don’t get so invested that you are unwilling to pivot. Most successful businesses start at one place and pivot to what you know, see, and love.
(3)Focus and differentiate – carve out a unique identity, especially when it’s a competitive market. Leslie did this by focusing on comfort, fit, and fabric quality.
The Takeaway – you can’t be all things to all people early on. Define your brand, stay in your lane, and find a way to STAND OUT.
(4) Pesistence– it’s rare to see an overnight success. We live, we learn, we get better. Stay true to your vision, but be adaptable, and keep going.
The Takeaway – while social media would have you believe things magically happen overnight, that’s rare. STICK WITH IT.
How can female entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Leaders overcome imposter syndrome?
Being a startup leader, a female founder, a CEO, a corporate leader, or an entrepreneur is hard. You will consistently face challenges and be asked to make decisions where you may not know everything. It can push you to question yourself, your capabilities, and hit your confidence.
But here is the thing: you are not alone.
This is not unique to you, and it’s not unique to women. So how can we as female leaders, founders, CEOs move beyond and overcome the feelings that plague us and the imposter syndrome telling us we aren’t good enough?
- Shift your mindset – realize that it is NORMAL to have negative self-talk. Accept the moment is difficult, then challenge the negative thoughts as they enter your awareness. Consciously move each negative thought into a positive frame of reference.
- Focus on your strengths – remind yourself how amazing and talented and smart you are, what you have accomplished, and why you are where you are in the first place. Keep celebrating yourself, especially when the imposter talk creeps in.
- Find support and guidance – it can be hard to find people to relate, so actively seek out others who understand what you are going through. Find a coach or a mentor to work through any mindset blocks.
- Take action – confidence comes from doing. The more you do, the more you accomplish, the more confidence grows and crowds out the imposter syndrome. So, as Nike would say, “Just Do It.”
I really hope you’ll click “play” and listen to this full episode. Leslie’s journey as a female founder and CEO is so inspiring, and her story embodies resilience, determination, and the relentless pursuit of her vision. But, most importantly, we can learn SO MUCH from how to build a brand, to navigating the challenges of business, to the power of perseverance and adaptability. Despite facing moments of doubt and imposter syndrome, she sought support, changed her mindset, and focused on her strengths to propel her forward. As Leslie continues to lead her brand through vision and commitment to quality, we can all learn together how to keep going, growing and reaching for our dreams!
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